March 10, 2008

What a weekend!

This weekend has been so stressfull, and I haven't got the time blog.

Wanna know what I did? At Friday I was at my friends birthday and had a lot of fun! I stayed there until very late, and I was going to IKEA on Saturday so I had to get up really early.

I got up about half eight, and then I had had four hours of sleep. My head was killing me and I did not want to go. After some coffee and sleep in the car, I was ready for some shopping. I bought a shelf thingy and a lot of other small stuff. Smelly candles. Looks really nice when you have a dark room and light candels.

After IKEA I got home, ate some, took a shower and went to a "before-party"(?) at my friend and after some fun there we went to another birthday party. When I got home I was exhausted.

Next morning I got up and started to put up my shelf. I decorated a little with my new candels and some other things. Looked really cosy! Then I packed a lot of stuff and moved for the week. Me and my best friend is staying at her grandparents appartment because they are in USA. Then we can walk to school and don't have to worry about nagging parents! We don't have internet there though, but we'll survive!

I'm pretty tired right now, but I have to do some tasks... See you later! Hope my blog wasn't to messy, and sorry for not having a picture!

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