March 21, 2008

The Nice & Helping Agnethe

Now I've finally managed to get Dan In Real Life burned to a DVD. Yes, have had quite some problems with that. I'm really looking forward seeing it, but first I have to meet up with Camilla, since we are watching it together.

Today I've done some tidying in my room, changed a light bulb, transfered a picture on a t-shirt and some other helpings around the house. Now I'm so hungry, but I don't know if I'll bother to eat, but I guess I will eat soon anyway. I'm addicted to food. Very often. I'm hungry all the time. Almost. Taha.

Have a nice day. I'm listening to Radioresepsjonen!

Btw, just had to post this picture of Adam Brody because it's so sweet I almost melt. (It's the Seth Cohen version I'm so charmed by.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adam Brody er fiiin :D