February 22, 2008

Evil sheet

Today I was changing my sheets and bedclothes. First I took the old ones of (of course) and then I was finding a new sheet, a red one actually. I started to put it on and then I found out it was to small, so I found another red one. This one I knew was big enough, but when I had covered one of the corners I found out I had it on the wrong way, you know, the long side on the short side...

Then I turned it and started over, but guess what! When I almost had finished it was inside out! Oh my God! I could freak... Finally I got the sheets on right.

Then there was the bedclothes. After putting one of them on, it was kinda weird, so I decided to try again, and actually I had taken it on the wrong way! I almost snapped, but eventually I got it on right, and luckily for the next quilt (I use two) this one worked out at once.

Just wanted to share my clumsiness! Take care.

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